
Roll up folks! Step inside for the ultimate bizarre experience! Kaleidogasm is a fleshy and surreal fleshy visual adventure. An unnerving cascade of images that is both erotic and frightening.
Kaleidogasm poses questions about the nature of sexual images and what makes them “obscene” – or arousing. If an image of sex or nudity is distorted beyond recognition, should it still be censored? And is it still sexy?

This is the third in the Kaleidogasm series. The first has screened at the Berlin Porn Film Festival, Cinekink NY, The Hard Liquor and PornFilm Festival and the Perv Queerotic Festival Sydney.

Kaleidogasm 3 Festival Selections:

Go Short Nijmegen Netherlands 2018
Kaleidogasm 3 official selection
April 2018

Folkesbildingsterror Sweden 2017
Kaleidogasm 3 official selection
November 2017

Glasgow Short Film Festival 2017
Kaleidogasm 3 out of competition special selection
March 2017

2016 Failed Films SF
Kaleidogasm 3 official selection
October 2016

2015 XPosed International Queer Film Festival Berlin
Kaleidogasm 3 official selection
May 2015

2015 Living Museum Of Erotic Women Screening Melbourne
Kaleidogasm 3 official selection
May 2015

2014 Pornotopia Albuquerque
Kaleidogasm 2 official selections
November 2014

Directed by Ms. Naughty. You’ll find all the Kaleidogasm films at Bright Desire.

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